Saturday, September 27, 2008

To game, or not to game. That is the question! October.

Yesterday September 26th, was my Twenty third birthday on this earth. It like most other years comes and goes, and then it's back to normal life. My brother/Sister-in-law, as always didn't even get me a card, but then again, neither did my parent's, they however got me a 5 quart kitchenaide stand mixer, in Onyx. Something that I personally have been asking for, for a very long time. This fall, I hope to attend baking school at the Art Institute of Philadelphia. I enjoy baking, and pastry arts, for some reason I like the concept of being able take something, and absolutely build upon it, to either further it along, or to create something new and enjoyable.

This post however isn't really about any of that stuff, this is a post about the fall season, about each game that is coming out, and how busy the fall gaming season will be. Yesterday I purchased "Warhammer Online" because several people told me that it would be well worth my time. I do enjoy it, I enjoyed it enough that I even installed it on my laptop to play when I'm connected to the internet and not at home (So really to play at billys house when I'm hanging out while he is doing homework.) It's not WoW but it is sure close enough to be mighty enjoyable. I can't wait to see what the game brings as I get further into it.

October a month that is going to bring some of this year's biggest games to the table. The most looked after games however that I want to play will be the ones that I am going to discuss, they will be the ones that I find to be important to this years gaming sales, as well as be major "Game of the Year" contenders, or at least on their respective consoles be major games for those.

Dead Space:
(as taken from Dead Space) Set in the distant future, Dead Space revolves around Isaac Clarke, a space engineer who works for the Concordance Extraction Corporation (C.E.C), a company that operates "giant mining ships" throughout the galaxy. His company receives a distress call from the USG Ishimura, a “Planet Cracker” class ship that destroys planets in order to extract valuable ore. Assuming that a mechanical failure is the only problem, Isaac and two other C.E.C employees set out to rendezvous with the Ishimura. However, they discover that the ship has been overrun by Necromorphs, a hostile alien race dependent upon necrotic flesh. Separated from his party, Isaac must survive the Necromorph infestation and battle his way to safety through the Ishimura's various environments.

This game offers some things that yes we have seen in the past. It has the Survival Horror game play, it takes place in space, and it involves humans being taken over by some crazy ass alien lifeforms. Like I said, this isn't at all anything new to the gaming world. This game however does seem to be taking it in a direction that might freshen it up, and help build a future for this game. I've always been a fan of the survival horror game type way back since Resident Evil, and Dino Crisis (Yes, I did say Dino Crisis). Resident Evil helped build a game type that really put players on the edge of their seats, waiting for that next scare, whether it came from a window, a wall, or a ceiling.

Dead Space offers a couple of new additions to the gameplay that I personally think seem very interesting. In some areas of the game, you can actually turn off the gravity of the game, so everything is floating around, and then turn it on, and watch it all fall down back to the group. This does however also include the player which might be a little off and could end up falling as well. The creatures in this game need to be completely decaptitated to be destroyed, otherwise they simply regrow themselves and continue to attack the player. This game if done right, could be game of the year just like Bioshock was, simply because it is going to offer gameplay and story that is refreshing, and different from what we get to play all the time.

Fable 2: Fable 2 is the sequel to the Fable, the 2004 game by Lionhead Studios. It takes place 500 years after the first game. I was very pleased with the first Fable, even though many felt let down because of the way Peter Molyneux (Director of both games) built up how great the game was going to be, and how it could end up changing RPGs from then forward. Fable 2 is going to have a lot in common with the first, but several new additions that are going to help build up the game as Peter says. The game will offer a Dog that will be with you about 90% of the game. This dog is going to offer some help in your quest, as well as keep you on the right path, and help find things that the player might not be able to see him/her self. This isn't really a game that I can perceive as being Game of the Year, but in today's gaming world it's hard to truly tell until the game is in your system, and your completing quest, or objective.

LittleBigPlanet is a game that when said might seem a little strange. It might not seem like the type of game that would really even appeal to people over the age of maybe 12. LittleBigPlanet however does appeal to people over 12, as it is offering something a little different to the gamers whom pick it up and play it. The game will come with preloaded levels, allowing the user to play and obtain different items from the built levels. The major part of LittleBigPlanet however is that it also offers the use the ability to custom build their own levels, adding an almost limitless items, and pieces to their levels. The ability to build just about anything they could possibly think up. Whether it be a level where it is rebuilt from something seen in Mario Bros, or something from Zelda, or even Tetris (I have seen someone build a Tetris Level, It just needed the Old School Russian Music). It also offers the ability to customize your SackBoy (The little creature you play the game as) with different outfits, and looks. This may not be Game of the Year either, but I personally believe that this is going to help sell the Playstation 3, and I know I am glad I own one. I really look forward to playing this game, this october.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Tomorrows games today!

This past week, a game came out on the Xbox Live Arcade. That game was the "Pub Games" that was released ahead of "Fable II" which comes out this fall. The Pub games allow you to gamble and gain or lose money for when you buy Fable II. Today I was surfing through several sites that I check on a day to day basis, and found myself looking at a post from "Major Nelson AKA Larry Hryb" from Microsoft. He was playing the Pub games and had left his home office for a short bit and came back to find his wife, whom doesn't really play games at all was in the midst of playing his pub games. Apparently she had put his character into debt by losing a large sum of his character's gold.

These are the types of situation's that keep people from letting others play their games, because of the possible loss of either money, or items or really anything else you could possibly lose. Now while these situations are not all that common, it can be a rather pain for people, because of all the time and effort they put into their games, or personal characters. I personally am very picky about my character's and games because I just don't trust people all that well.

Below I have posted a link to the post by Major Nelson.

Major Nelsons Blog!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The future of Gaming.

Today I found myself playing "Elder Scroll's IV: Oblivion - The Shivering Isle's" and I am proud to say I actually beat it as well today. The game is so fantastic and it brought me into a thought, a basic thought of where I began as a child to where I am today with gaming.

In the year 1985 I was brought forth onto this world from my mother's womb, and over a few year's I slowly managed to be able to grasp the idea of how to play games. Starting with the NES my first game, to this day I remember it like it just happened, the first game I played was Super Mario, just watching as I ran through so many levels trying to get further into the game. Then I slowly moved on to game's like Duck Hunt, and Legend of Zelda, others such as Metroid, and Mega Man. These were game's that helped pull my generation into the gaming world, these were some of the first game's that today's gamers started playing and grew up with.

So many year's later, with today's advancement's in console technology, as well as million's of dollar's to funnel into game design we have slowly become a spoiled bunch. Always excepting sometimes the same things over and over again, but always finding joy when some company releases a game that is new and exciting. Game's that truly push the boundaries of today's technologies as well as pushing the gameplay as far as possible. I personally wish I could see into the future and see where tomorrow's gaming is going to be. Just the idea of what possibly the future could hold for us, and really bring to the console or the PC to push even further.

Companies like Nintendo and Sony, and Microsoft always trying to find a way to pull new people into their consoles. Whether it be the use of a Wii-Mote, or just a good history of Console exclusives, or even having the best online service of all the consoles (Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft respectively). Yesterday's gaming, and game's will just not be the same as tomorrow's way of gaming, and the game's that the companies will offer to the very consumers who keep each company going.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Fallout 3 - Bethesda

Bethesda, a company that every time I say their name, the first thing that comes to mind is "Morrowind". A game that pulled me into Elder Scroll's, and made me enjoy everything that Bethesda Softworks has to offer. Recently I fell into this phase, this phase that make's me want to find and read all information on Fallout 3. I never played any of the other Fallout game's, simply because I didn't really like the topdown "Diablo-Esque" view as I call it.

Bethesda is a master in the art of open world RPG's, that contain not only fascinating stories, but also open up a world like no other. Playing an "Elder Scroll's" game is like reading an excellent fantasy novel, it allows your mind to wander about and enjoy all it offer's the player/reader. Oblivion was and still is a fantastic game, a game that I personally play on an almost daily basis. Since Morrowind I've always chosen to play as a Kahjitt, who is more aligned to be a thief, since I do join the thieves guild right off. Both Morrowind and Oblivion offer so much to the player, and It's a game that I recommend to many many people.

Fallout 3 is going to be Game of the Year. That is something I promise to everyone, because Bethesda makes nothing but AAA titles. Fallout 3 is going to pull people into the Fallout world, both Fallout 1 and 2 are going to sell again just so people can get a better understanding of the series and see where it started, and where it has come too since Bethesda picked it up and started building Fallout 3 in 2004.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My thought's right now on Xbox Live

I called Microsoft My Xbox number, after talking to Max (Some bullshit Automated Response System) I had to answer a few questions and then were finally sent to a person. My Xbox Live account billed my Bank Account, but I didnt have the money in there at the time and so it couldn't pay for the account. I bought a three month card to handle that since I bought a laptop and things are a little tight right now. The card won't let me enter it, and my account is suspended till I pay the $50 it cost for my account. The problem is, I can't pay the account because I cant get access on my 360 into my Live account. It goes to my account and then kicks me back to the dashboard blades. Right now I'm a little frustrated, OK check that, I am a hell of a lot more frustrated then I was when I called. I am so tired of calling someone and having to speak with someone in another country, because our country is so god damn lazy to pay people to sit behind phones and work tech support. Instead we deal with people we can barely understand. It's no wonder our country is falling apart and so poor. We pay everyone else and never ourselves.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

New Splinter Cell Maybe!

So, I just found out today that the latest Splinter Cell game, labeled "Splinter Cell: Conviction" is apparently being pushed back to the 09-10 gaming year. No real reason has been given why, but the game has been in development hell for about a year now. Constantly pushed back over and over again. The true possible chances are that the game could be getting scraped and might be rebuilt over it again.

Monday, July 21, 2008

It Arrives!

Well though I haven't actually gotten it yet as I write this (It is 2:11am). Today is the day I receive my laptop from Dell. After many many long day's waiting and waiting for it to finally arrive, it showed up at the doorstep today (Gotta love Foresight). I am so excited to have it and use it. Finally able to just leave my place and write whatever feels on my mind. After messing with it for awhile I'll give my full review on it, as well as finally give my impression on the "Dark Knight" movie.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The anger inside

Today is July 17th, the Estimated date of shipping from dell that my Laptop was supposed to ship. As of 1:00pm today it still hasn't shipped, and to be honest it really should have shipped by now anyway since I ordered the damn thing in the beginning of July, actually July 1st I ordered it. I am just really angry about the fact they have yet to ship it. I've been waiting patiently as also has my friend Mindy who ordered the same laptop on the same day. I've always liked Dell's service, and anything else I've ever ordered from them has come in rather fast. So this really just disappoints me.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A new day, more E3 Information.

After what was a personally busy day for myself. I am finally able to sit down and do as much updating as I can. After sifting through non-stop information, and watching more E3 coverage. Tonight I am just going to pick out a few personal favorite game's that I am very interested in, and going to pop it out there.

The first game I am going to bring up is going to be.

Infamous for the Playstation 3. This is a game that I first heard of a long while ago. I believe the last E3, they had released a trailer for this game. In the game you play as Cole, the man who is an Urban explorer, an everyday man who simply happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. After an explosion that levels most of the area, Cole wakes up and is pretty much framed for the incident. He learns that he is slowly growing super hero like powers that deal with Electricity. As the character grows during the gameplay which is set on how the player reacts to the surrounding. You could play as an evil guy who doesnt care who gets hurt, or what get's destroyed. Or you could play as a guy who does his very best to protect those in harm's way, and does his best to manage his power to fight the evil inside the city. As you do good or bad things throughout the game, your powers slowly begin to grow and change.

This is a game that I am personally very excited for. About a month ago I received my monthly GameInformer and this was on the front page. After reading more about the game I just knew that I could really get deep into this game and enjoy it a lot.

Star Ocean: First Departure and Star Ocean: Second Evolution. These two games are Sony's chance to bring the Star Ocean franchise back to the front for those of us who own the Sony PsP. First Departure is the first game in the series. This game was never released in America and this is the first time that American's will get their chance to play the English version of the game. First Departure I am excited to play because I've been a fan of the second and third game's, so it will be nice to see where it all started.

Second Evolution is the sequel that takes place only 20 year's after the end of First Departure. The main character in this one is the main character from First Departure's son. This from what I believe is kind of like a remake of the Star Ocean game that did come out in America, Star Ocean: Second Story. Both games will have new characters, new voice actors, and anime sequences. I am excited for both of these games and am very excited that both will be released.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, a game that many people, who are huge Star Wars fan's are all looking forward to seeing this game released this upcoming September. The ability to be the bad guy, and have the dark side force powers at your exposure. That in and of itself is truly what makes this game so good. It is coming out for all consoles, and handhelds. The best part of this game is if you buy it for the Nintendo Wii. The Wii version of the game comes with a duel mode for two players to really get the best feel of holding a lightsaber and using force powers.

I will post more news over the next few days.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

M A G (Massive Action Game)

MAG is a new IP from Zipper Studios, which supports up to 256 players at one time.

Key Features
-Squad Based gameplay.
-Character Growth.
-Faction based Campaigns.

Showing a video of the game, it certainly looks very good, but the video wasn't of actual gameplay, so unfortunately that is something we will have to wait for and hole that Zipper will release some actual gameplay Pictures, or Video's shortly.


A game, developed by by the makers of Sly Fox, Sucker Punch. You play a guy who gains super powers, and you can play as either a good or bad guy, depending how you react to the world, and how you treat the people in the world. This is personally a game I am really looking forward to. The video they showed looked stunning, and the graphics look very good. This game is one of my top wanted games for the PS3 right now.

God Of War for the PS3!!!

Showed a short video trailer of God of War 3, no actual gameplay, just a video of Kratos standing on top of a building. Hopefully some time soon we can see some actual gameplay video just to see how damn good the game will look.

Video Montage

A Video montage showing just glimpse of several games, including Quantum of Solace, Naruto, Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, Killzone 2, and many more. All game's looking very nice in the short clips you got to see.

Developers Video

They showed a video of Developers discussing why they think the Playstation 3 is such a great console to build games on. They all pretty discussed the fact they all loved the Playstation 3.

But if you ask me, of course they are going to say that, so they dont look like assholes.

DC Universe

The lead Artist for DC Universe came out to show off the game, and it certainly looked very enjoyable. But the only question I have, and maybe I missed this if they said something. But I wonder if you can create your own character, or if you have to play as one of the main Superheros.

More Sony!

Jack came out with one of the Creators of Little Big Planet, to show off just how much of a growth there is in the gaming industry, and that there is looking to be a 23 Billion dollars in sales just in gaming alone this year.

Jack also went on to discuss that later this year, we will see Playstation 3 Greatest Hit's titles sell for $29.99, such as Resistance 1, Assassins Creed, Oblivion, and Ninja Gaiden.

The Playstation Network getting updates, and Sony still aims to listen to their community and strives to make their online network better, and more user friendly. The PlayStation Network. All users this fall will have a single sign-on that will work across PS3, PC, and PSP. You can sign on and check what your friends are doing from "anywhere."

Insomniac came on to discuss a little bit about the upcoming "Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty" that will be released on the Playstation Network for $15, and will be a continuation of Tools of Destruction and will help explain what happened to Clank after the end of Tools of Destruction.

Playstation Network promo videos playing: The new Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty; Crash Commando; Fat Princess; PixelJunk Eden; Pain: Amusement Park; Flower; Siren: Blood Curse; Rag Doll Kung-Fu.

They showed off GranTurismo 5's Prologue will have Car videos that are shown through the game.

PlayStation Home. When it finally launches there will be an extended beta program. Game specific spaces for games like Warhawk and Uncharted. Ubisoft, EA, Activision, and LucasArts are participating in Home which will surely help make it a great service for Sony.

The Playstation Store will also have an update where it will include the ability to download movies. This update should be active later on tonight.

Sony's E3 Press Conference

Sony's Jack Tretton came out onto the stage, discussing the stage he is standing on as a stage that has shared many many things. He also talked about the history of Sony from the beginning as of wether or not to green light the first Playstation Console, and where they stand now today.

Tretton went on to explain that the Playstation and Playstation 2 took several years to build up huge hits, and are consoles that stood around for many years. The playstation 2 pretty much was a 10 year plan. Also going on to talk about the Playstation 3 and how it won out because of it's advantage of having a blu-ray drive built into it, because Blu-ray won out over HD-DvD.

Tretton also went on to discuss how the 2008 year is all about Software, and exclusive content, both downloadable, and just basic games as well. "While exclusive DLC is nice, exclusive games are what make up consumer's minds." He said.

Showing Resistance 2, which in my view is a game that looks absolutely beautiful, and I never bought the first one, so I might have to check it out so I can get into the story. The graphics are beautiful, and the video shown had a huge I am talking like 20 stories high monster that seemed to be thrashing about a city that looked like New York. The video also showed the main character running from the monster, going from one building to another until the creature picks up the character and actually throws him, through a window and it just looked beautiful. Resistance 1 and 2 was developed by Insomniac games.

A Music game like no other.

Reggie left the stage and it went all black, then the screen opened up and you saw a guy sitting in a chair with the Wiimote and Nunchuck attachment, and under his feet was the Wii Balance board. He started to play the Drums, which was EPIC and seemed to be really accurate with his motions. Then another screen opened up, and it was Miyamoto playing a Saxaphone using the Wiimote.

Shigeru Miyamoto then went on to discuss that Wii Music will be coming out, and it will allow people to feel like they are in a band. You don't need to know how to play an instrument, it will play for you, and you wont miss a note, but it makes it look as if you were the one playing it.

The game will have a few other things in it. Like the Orchastra mode which was seen a few years ago which was done by Miyamoto himself. You could also do Bell's, and a note matching game.

Several people came onto the stage to show off the "Band" portion of the game and they played the Super Mario Theme, which looked incredibly enjoyable. This might actually be something I might buy.

Wii Motion Plus

Nintendo is releasing a new Motion device called "Wii Motion Plus" which will attach to the bottom of the Wiimote where the Nunchuck goes. It is used to help enhance how the controller reads the users motions. Giving more ability for games and people to truly interact.

Reggie got on stage with two others, to show how it functions, and that it will sell with Wii Sports Resort. The game also has a Frisbee game in it, a Wave Race game, and it allows you to use a "SWORD" to cut things up. That in and of itself is just awesome and would make me buy it.

DS Cookbook

Later this year, Nintendo will release a "Game" that isn't so much a game, but actually a cookbook, that serves up not only recipes, but also cooking help. Sounds interesting especially for me, since I enjoy cooking and Baking.

Closer look at games

Nintendo was showcasing Guitar Hero: On tour, and the creators were shown on the screen, discussing the upcoming expansion to it "On Tour Decades". Which will be released later this fall.

Spore DS, which is a game that I know many are excited for, especially the PC version of Spore. Looks beautiful, and you can still share your creatures with other people who have a DS version.

Pokemon Rangers game coming in November.

A Grand Theft Auto game, called China Town wars, will be released on the DS later this year as well. Custom game engine for use with the DS. Sounds pretty good if it turns out great.

Nintendos 3 new games

Reggie has said there just isn't enough time to showcase all the games coming out. So he chose to simply display three new games that are coming soon.

The first game they showed is Star Wars The Clone Wars. Which will finally allow people to fight with the Wiimote as if it was a Lightsaber, and use the Nunchuck attachment to activate force powers.

Then it went onto Rayman Raving Rabbits TV. Which is a sequel to the orginal Game that relased along side the Wii.

Call of Duty: Worlds at war. Looks beautiful and hopefully the Wiimote action will actually be decent. I know from previous games that it wasnt really all that great and ended up being actually pretty hard to use.

The Nintendo E3 Press Conference

I will admit that I missed about the first 20 minutes of it.

Mr Saturo Iwata the Head of Nintendo came out after they showed off Shaun White's snowboarding game that comes out this holiday Season (November I believe) using the Wii Balanece board. Mr Iwata spoke about how far Nintendo has come, and how popular the Wii is as a casual gaming console.

Next the creator of Animal Crossing is shown on the big screen. Discussing how far Animal Crossing has come since the Gamecube. He talked about how Animal Crossing for the Wii will allow you to go online and talk to others.

Reggie Fils-Amie comes on to the stage and talks about how pleased Nintendo is with it's Wii Console sales. He went on to talk about boring sales figures, and how well the Nintendo DS has been selling in America alone. The Ds has sold so well because of major party games, like Pokemon, and Mario games.

Edit - 4:10pm Tuesday July 15th.

I forgot to mention that Nintendo is also releasing a new thing called "Wii Speak" to allow people to actually chat together.

Monday, July 14, 2008

After a long day.

So much information has been released from just today about E3. Today was just the Microsoft Keynote, and out of that keynote so much fantastic information came out. So many game's, and so much worth looking forward to.

Tomorrow show's off both Nintendo and Sony's Keynote's, and I know I will have a lot to post up tomorrow from both of them. I am very excited to see what both companies will offer on each of their systems, and what new features they are implementing for the user, and to help draw more people into using their consoles.

I personally own all Major consoles, and handhelds. I am truly curious though to see what's coming out for both the Nintendo DS, and the Sony Playstation Portable. I feel that the PsP is a fantastic handheld that is under utilized by developers and it has so much potential for development.

As I said before, on Tuesday more information will flood the screens and I will continue to keep up with jotting the notes, and updating as fast as possible to let any of those who read this, not only get my opinion, but a quick glimpse into what new games are on the horizon.

Too Human Demo Released on XBox Live

After spending a little over an hour with the Too Human demo that was released today on Xbox Live. I feel that I personally could see this as a game I could buy. It's not exactly all that easy, and it's really just a pretty nice Button Masher of sorts. It's not a terrible game, but it's one that many will find enjoyable. The Character Models are nice, but the Areas you are in, during the demo just feel kind of stuck. They don't allow you to explore to much, and sometimes you cant jump over the most ridiculous invisible walls. I also have a problem with the Camera itself. You can't move it like you would like to, it's a standard behind character view, that you can change to a more likable distance, but you can not swivel the camera around the character which is something I found to be bothersome. Especially when my Character is shooting off screen at nothing, and I think he is shooting an enemy.

Microsoft Press Conference

I must say, the Microsoft conference showcase was something I found truly amazing. They showcased a lot of new and upcoming games, and additions to the Xbox Live interface. I feel that Microsoft is really aiming to do it's best to appeal to as many folks as possible, but also capable of giving consumers the games they want. The biggest announcement of all from Microsoft of course was the reveal that SquareEnix's Final Fantasy XIII coming out for the Xbox 360, launching the same time as the PS3's version.

This is just the Start of E3 and over the next few days we will see quite a lot offered by all the major companies in the gaming industry, as well as new upcoming companies and what they want to offer to the mass gamer population.

SquareEnix Annoucement for Xbox 360

Yoichi Wada CEO of SquareEnix came on stage to discuss upcoming games to be released on the 360 from SquareEnix.

Infinite Undiscovery: A new RPG from SquareEnix that will appear on the 360 later this year.

Star Ocean The last Hope
: The first Star Ocean game to appear on the 360, which is part of a brilliant series developed by Square and Tri-Ace.

The Last Remnant: Which will debut on the 360 later this year first. Will also make an appearance on Games for Windows.


Music games for Xbox

Guitar Hero World Tour: Offers new wireless instruments, including wireless Drum set, and Guitar, that both look very nice. It also let's you make and share music, from around the world. New Metallica, Eagles, and Van Halen, as well as a Track Pack from REM will also be downloadable. World Tour launches this fall.

Lips: Microsoft's answer to Sony's SingStar. Lip's is the first game to offer Wireless mics that light up. Lip's is also releasing this holiday season. For people who enjoy Karaoke game's, or even singing in games like RockBand, this is certainly looking to be enjoyable.

RockBand 2: Debuting exclusively this September. The soundtrack for RockBand 2 is going to feature 84 songs on the disc itself. Some Guns & Roses songs from the upcoming album. Bob Dylan has given a track as well for Rock Band 2's soundtrack. AC/DC will also make an appearance which I personally am so excited for because I wanted there to be AC/DC in it. Tons more songs as well will appear. All songs from Original RockBand will be exported into RockBand 2, so there will be no need to swap the disc to play songs from the first one.

New games

A new Scene-It game is coming out. "Scene-It Box office Smash!", which is the Sequel to last year's Scene-It.

Your in the Movies comes out during this upcoming Holiday, it's a party game that uses the Xbox Video Camera attachment. It looks to be pretty funny, and would probably make for a good game to play if your with a bunch of friends, and your all drinking a little. It has all sorts of different types of things you can play, and it seems pretty interesting. When your done the mini-games, you replay your actions and it's like a movie trailer. it's an interesting idea, that I think is something many people will enjoy. The game also includes the Xbox video Camera.

Games for Everyone

New Banjo-Kazooie game coming out, that offers the user the ability to build vehicles.

New Viva Pinata game is coming out as well. I was a fan of the first one, so I cant wait to check it out.


As a netflix subscriber, I can watch netflix movies right on the Xbox 360 system. I can share them with a live party as well. So we can all watch films together, even if we arent sitting in the same room.

Update to the Xbox Dashboard

This fall, the Xbox 360 is getting an update to the Xbox Live Interface. Including Avatars, that can be customized to fit the person, and to express yourself in a new way on Xbox Live.

New Community Channel, that shows off the Avatars, and is the new Friends list. Up to 8 people can get together in a channel, and talk together. Which is nice because I hated the fact that only 1 person could be in a chat channel at a time before.

In parties in the community channel, you can showcase things like Pictures you have on your Xbox 360, or Videos. You can also particpate in games as your avatar, this is done in Xbox Live Primetime.

The new Games channel. AS a party leader, you can launch games for everyone with just the push of a button.

New Xbox Live Arcade games. New Geometry wars games coming out in August. Also a new Galaga game, called Galaga Legions, which is to be released soon.

GLaDos came on to just say a little about Portal 2 coming soon.

Cartman came on to express about a new South Park game coming soon as well.

E3 start's today

Microsoft has started showing off games. Starting with Fallout 3, which looks absolutely beautiful, and seems to offer a lot just like anything Bethesda has put out before, Much like Oblivion, and Morrowind before it.

Then they showed us the beautiful look of Resident Evil 5, which now has far more white zombie's then before. (I guess because of the outrage that was caused because of Chris being in Africa, and killing a lot of African Zombies). The game will have Online Co-Op, and they showed us a little bit of what it will be like. It certainly looks to offer the player a lot, especially with the online Co-op.

They showed us some Fable 2, which is one of the games I'm most excited for this year. Peter Molyneux came out and was showing it off, starting with a short video of the start, that ended with a Bird shitting on the main Characters head. That video made me giggle atleast. Peter then went on to show us a little of the word, interacting with his already started family. And mentioned that as you go around the world, you will see Purple orbs, which are used to invite friends to your world to Co-Op with you. I think this is going to be an awesome game. Far better then the first one, which I did enjoy a lot.

Cliff Bleszinski came out to show off "Gears of War 2" which looks fantastic, and again has co-op. It looks to offer even more then what the first one offered, which in my opinion was a lot. The game is to Release this year, and has a new mode called Horde, it's a 5 player Co-op mode, of wave after wave of enemies, each wave more harder then the last.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Idea

Lately my mind has been in a big fog. So many endless thought's running wild with no actual place to be put down. July 1st I ordered myself a new laptop. It's not here yet, but hopefully it will show by the end of the week. Once the laptop is in my hand's I will begin doing something I've wanted to do for a long time now, and that is to start writing again. I have so much I want to put down on "Paper" and I shall start doing it. Of course I'll write down on this Blog many thing's, including my progress with the writing. I surely hope that any and all whom read this, will follow along with me, on this journey and experience all I have to give.

E3 is a day away!

Tomorrow is the start of an exciting week. E3 start's this week, and it will be exciting to see what new information is spread to the world about upcoming games. I for one am excited to learn more information of some of the upcoming games that we have only been given very little information on. Of course, I'll give my very thoughts throughout the day about any new information I find exciting.